Are there such things as audition tactics for Emerging Opera Singers to use to their advantage in order to be the one chosen for an engagement? That's exactly what I've been asking myself these past few months in order to figure out how I can improve my number of successful auditions completed, and in this case, successful means that I got chosen to sing the role. So, I've read a LOT of industry publications, Classical Singer, for example, and every interview I could get my hands on with someone who is right beyond where I currently am (a.k.a. working consistently at reputable opera houeses and not just intermittently) and, I have come to the sad, but perhaps logical conclusion in this very fickle business of mine and yours, that there is no straight forward way to systematically improve yourself in order to get hired. Everyone is looking for something different (in terms of things that you can change outside of having a good voice and being a believeable actress...